Comes in six different color (Sunrise-Red, Ocean-Blue, Daisy-Yellow, Emerald-Green, Punching-Purple & Graphite-Grey).
Some people love spirit drinks than others; you are wondering why this is possible. That is because the glass you to drink can influence your drink quite all right. The Rainbow shot glass 60ml is one of the Rainbow collection, and the Crystalex Brand made it. The Brand came up with this unique glassware to enhance your spirit drinks once it is poured into this glass. Spirit drinks like tequila, whiskey, bourbon scotch, vodka, and other similar products. Rainbow Collection went all out to assure users that it has the finest of quality and can enhance the taste of all drinks within it. With a capacity of 60ml, the shot glass can hold together all the flavors in your drink all in one taste. It brings a whole lot of colors to your bar and can be attractive to clients to stay for one or two extra shots before leaving.
Dazzling colorful glass with a round shape.
To measure and to hold – this is what these shot glasses are made for. As it is an ideal one swallow measurement, every bartender can be sure, that proportions of the cocktail based on shots, will be right. And even if you are not a bartender, it is a great opportunity to experiment and amaze your friends. So this set of shot glasses will be a great partner for your parties.
Shots are likely used to drink spirit drinks, such as tequila or vodka, but still while arranging parties, just keep in mind that these shot glasses can become a great décor detail to you wet bar. You can mix different kind of alcohol and syrups and get a very colorful and dizzy drinks!
Crystalex product has proven an outstanding top-quality glass material but also advanced technology of forming. The Crystalex is a lead free colored kind of Crystal material used of glassware. With the Crystalex glassware material your health safety is 100% guaranteed.