Best Bohemian Crystal Glassware Brands Reviews
Bohemian glasses are arguably the best set of glasses known, for quality and durability. The bohemian glass also called the bohemian crystal is common to the Czech Republic. They are manufactured in Bohemia and often times, Silesia. The Czech’s bohemian glass is one of the oldest glass types. They are easily workable with, for crafts and engravings of all kinds.
A glass is regarded as a crystal due to the presence of a metallic oxide. Though relative, the Bohemian crystal is known to be rich in various metallic oxides, depending on where and how it is manufactured.
There are various types of Bohemian glassware, however, we shall be considering the best, and the infamous crystal wine glasses in this review.
Crystalite Bohemia
“Crystalite Bohemia” products are manufactured from crystallite glass melt. It can produce varieties of different products. It does not contain the lead oxide compound, and according to the inculcation of the modern technology and innovations, most of the manufacturers use titanium oxide for good resilience. The crystallite is manufactured by melting glass and moulding it in its molten state, such that when the glass begins to cool, crystal lattices are formed. The technique for the manufacturing of the “Crystalite Bohemia” products is more improved than an ordinary, amorphous crystal would. Hence, the crystallite wine glasses are, in fact, glorious.
“Crystalite Bohemia” wine glasses are dishwasher friendly; there is no fear of having the colour pilled or anything scratching the glass. Are abrasion resistant and has an improved light refractive ability.
Alexandra Gold Rimmed Crystal Stemware
The product is a Czech manufactured wine glass with the Bohemian crystallite fabrication technique. It is totally lead-free and has a bowl that can contain a wine elegantly at 250ml. It is your perfect red wine glass. The diffraction is indeed improved, making it possible to enjoy the sight of swirling the wine in the glass. The glass is engraved with beautiful cross-line patterns and the rim is painted with gold. The decoration that this glass holds shows how much work a crystal bohemia glass can allow.
You can see and purchase the Alexandra Gold Rimmed Crystal Stemware, here. You can also check out other similar products here.
Gold Crystal
Gold Crystal glassware brand is an interesting bit. They have their glasses manufactured to give an exotic golden appearance. During the process of manufacturing, a gold colour blend is introduced to the base crystals to make a transparent or diffractive golden undertone. More beautifications can be done, such as etching, intaglio impressions, gold plating, and other designs. These employed designs are visible on the wine glasses. Gold Crystal glassware brand makes a shelf beautiful, undoubtedly. They would perfectly match a shelf with a finish polish of the colour, gold, deep or tonal brown, or laetrile red.
The art of the exotic gold crystal wine glasses has seemed mysterious to many. However, the art and creativity are, of cause, laudable. While trying to explain the various gold effect usually applied to the bohemian crystal wine glasses, one would consider the pure gold crystal, gold lightning, gold design, and the gold exclusive. They all make the gold crystal glass a perfect choice for classic usage and gifting.
There are many gold crystal glassware brands that come in pieces and sets.
Gold Décor Tumblers
Review: This particular product comes as a set. It can serve the family dining for any kind of liquid set. The glass is manufactured from pure bohemian crystal with a tone of gold. The crystal glass is artistically worked upon to create beautiful designs. The base is carefully carved out in a regular pattern, in various dimension. The lower part of the bowl is left plain, giving diffraction of light a choice. On the body is a regular crosshatch cut pattern. The rim of the tumbler shows the gold decoration on the wine crystal glass, making it even fancier. When people talk about a gold, bohemian crystal glass, the Gold décor tumblers come to mind. Another glass in this class is the Exclusive Gold Décor wine glass.
“Crystalex” - Bohemian crystal brand products are known to be produced with unique utility characteristics. Truly, using the Bohemian crystal glass in the manufacturing of glassware is an advantage for quality, but when good quality meets good forming abilities, what happens? Excellence, of cause! The Crystalex brand employs the use of advanced technology forming, hence, making it a perfect crystal blend. Although the automated manufacturing process had been for almost half of a century, it remained valid. In fact, it had been the base of expansion witnessed by the brand manufacturers over the years. After the automated manufacturing, there could also be further decors added to make it meet a personal desire or customization.
Crazy Rainbow Tumbler Set
This set of glasses is awesomely crazy. You can practically feel and see the beauty of a Crystallex technique manufactured glass. The brilliance of each bowl is dazzling, and it offers a perfect view of a sparkling wine or drink. A further decorative effect is added, giving each member of the set unique colour tone, yellow, blue, green, orange, red, and blue. A crazy rainbow tumbler has a round shaped base, giving it only a balance when it is balanced on the edge. Wondering what sort of glass does that? That is why it is called crazy! Why this choice? When a wine is to be gently sipped while the glass is fiddled with, this offers you a fun-spiced drinking time. It crowns only the vodka, tequila, bourbon, whiskey, or any spirit liquor.
You should certainly check out the flawless Crazy Rainbow Glasses.
Those are the best Bohemian glassware brands. Moreover, at Crystal Décor, we offer nothing short of the universally acknowledged quality glassware; we offer the perfect Bohemian crystal glasses. You can shop for amazing glassware, now.